Monday, December 10, 2012

Magically sacrilegious

There is a house near ours that has a large nativity scene in the front yard. Joseph loves it for some reason*. He calls it a "matility scene" and I don't have the heart to correct him. Every time we drive by it Joseph makes comments about it. He was delighted when he found out one of the people in the scene was named Joseph. The Joseph in this particular scene is holding a stick or  something but it really looks like a wand. One day as we were driving by Joseph said "It's neat how his name is Joseph and my name is Joseph and we both like magic." Then after a short pause he yelled "Expecto Baby Jesus!".

*He REALLY likes the light up nativity scenes. He says it looks like Jesus was born in a puddle of toxic sludge.


Shannon said...

I love it! I laughed out loud at the "Expecto Baby Jesus!" part. :)

Lindsay said...

Haha! Welcome back!

Barbara said...

Does that make his patronus look like a baby Jesus? do all the dementors wash his feet? or wait, since it's baby Jesus they probably bring him gifts...

Joseph is awesome, that is all there is to it!

Stimey said...

This makes me so very happy. I love Joseph stories.

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thanks for posting again! And kudos to Joseph! His creativity knows no bounds! Hurray for Joseph!

Grandma Judy