Monday, December 29, 2008

Gall darn bladder

I hope everyone has had a good past couple of days. For me Christmas was great. Lots of good times with my family, good presents and good food. Maybe too much good food since on Christmas day I had a bit of an upset stomach. Day after Christmas shopping was good too but again I had a little bit of a stomach ache after eating. The next day mu mother-in-law came to visit and that went well too but following our meal I felt a little achy and off. When I went to bed at 11 that night I told Jesse that my stomach hurt like I had been doing a bunch of sit-ups. At 1:30 I woke up with a stomach ache so bad that I couldn't fall back asleep. After about half an hour of rolling around in pain I dragged myself downstairs to where Jesse had fallen asleep. For the next couple of hours Jesse rubbed my back while I threw up and cried from the pain. At 3 he finally convinced me to go the ER. My dad came over to watch the kids and I shuffled my whimpering, sweatpants-clad self to the car.

When you go in to the ER crying because of your stomach pain they take you pretty seriously. I got a room right away and was being promised pain meds within minutes. A doctor came in and asked a couple of quick questions. "Is the pain spread across here? Is it worse when I push here? Have you been throwing up? Is the pain shooting upward?" All answered in the affirmative hey, whaddya know? It's my gall bladder. An ultrasound confirmed I have gall stones. Four shots of heavy narcotics stopped my whimpering. I was sent home with a prescription for more pain meds and instructions to follow a diet that I can only describe as "a diet so boring that it makes me want to chew my own lips off for some variety". The good news is that in order to keep the pain away I have to keep taking the meds and they make me so tired that I just end up sleeping all day anyway. I have no time to bored with my limited food choices because I'm too busy being knocked out cold.

In a couple of hours I have a surgical consult. My goal is to get him to do this surgery sooner rather than later. I can't function on the pain meds and I can't function without them. The sooner I can get this over and done with the better. Now the only question is how will this affect the whole surrogacy thing. I don't even want to think about that right now. I'm choosing to think that it won't for right now. We'll see I guess. For now I have to drag myself to the bathroom for a shower then to the kitchen for a hearty meal of crackers and unseasoned backed chicken. Then back to bed for another episode of crappy VH-1 reality tv. Then to see the doctor. Then no doubt back to bed.

Later peeps.


Torina said...

That sounds awful! I hope you get all fixed up and feel better soon!

Leslie said...

Get well quick!

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Oh I remember THAT pain! I had a bad gall bladder that had to come out about 7 years ago. The pain was worse than labor. I went to the ER twice before they found out what it was. They had to give me large doses of drugs in the ER to knock me out, only way I could deal with the pain. So I am completely feeling for you!

I hope you get fixed up quickly. Hugs sweetie!

Anonymous said...

wow. that sounds awful.

Alison Wonderland said...

Usually the surgery's no big deal. But in your case it might be different. Good luck!

Esther said...

Feel better soon!

Stimey said...

That completely sucks. I hope you get it taken care of soon. When your only options are sleep all day or vomit-inducing pain, that's tough.

Mandy said...

Heya, being sans a gall bladder should have zero affect on any future pregancies (unless the surogacy company has issue with it)!