Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Birthday list - Year 33

When I turned 29 I posted a list of 29 things random things about myself. I've updated it every year. This is the version for this year. The original things are in black, the previous updates are in red and this year's are in blue. It's the most complicated list of random things ever!

1- I still have 2 baby teeth in my mouth. I don't' have any permanent teeth to replace them.
2- I'm allergic to the skin on apples. Also almonds. They make the roof of my mouth itch and my tongue feel numb.
3- I have never, in my entire life, purchased a tomato, an olive or a mushroom.
4- I close as I can remember I have moved about 15 times in my life. Make that 16.
5- I've had surgery to correct a lazy eye.
6- I almost always remember my dreams.
7- The only video games I have ever beaten are Theme Hospital and Kingdom Hearts. And Kingdom Hearts II.
8- The person I would most like to meet in the whole world is the Dalai Lama. Scratch that. I most want to meet Rachel Maddow.
9- My favorite poem is "Annabelle Lee" by Poe.
10- My secret guilty pleasure is watching Starting Over. That's not even on anymore. Now my secret guilty pleasure is porn VH-1 reality tv.
11- I like to take two Double Stuffed Oreos, take one part of the cookie off each and then stick them together to make quadruple stuffed Oreos.
12- My secret wish and ambition is to own a dog sled team and compete in the Alaskan Iditarod. (That's right, I hate the cold and physical activity of almost all kinds and I want to compete in the most challenging sled dog race ever.)
13- I'm still afraid of things hiding under my bed so when I go to bed I try to get in from as far away as possible so that nothing can reach out and grab my ankles.
14- Whenever I go to see a movie I forget what I'm there to see during the previews.
15- I used to have a huge paper doll collection and I sold it at a garage sale (probably for $1). I would kill to have those paper dolls back.
16- I often imagine what it would be like to shave my head.
17- Although I've never been stung I am terrified of bees.
18- I don't own a pair of winter boots.
19- I have a hard time sleeping without socks on, even in the summer.
20- I would like to have 4 more children. All boys. Oh my god! What was I thinking? Four more? I most days I can't even handle the ones I have. Two is plenty thank you very much.
21- I think Paris Hilton and Bratz dolls are destroying little girls in America. I don't blame Paris anymore. Now I blame Sean Hannity. And Glenn Beck.
22- I hate romantic comedies (not including Love Actually).
23- When I was a kid and I had to clean my room I would pretend that I was a maid cleaning the room of a rich kid. I would talk to myself in a British accent. I still do this.
24- I always drive the speed limit.
25- I believe in ghosts. Sort of. I am becoming more of a skeptic as I get older.
26- I think hot chocolate is gross unless it has peppermint schnapps in it.
27- If I could only eat one food for the next year it would be my mom's fettuccine. (Of course I would weigh about 400 pounds at the end of the first year....)
28- Tom Hanks is my favorite actor and Kate Winslet is my favorite actress.
29- If I could have any job in the whole world I would like to be an Imagineer. Or maybe a lactation consultant. Or maybe a doula.
30- I make my own wine. Sort of. I have bought the stuff needed to make my own wine.
31- As a kid the toy I wanted more than anything was the Playmobil Victorian Mansion. I covet it still. I will probably buy it someday.
32- I have been the captain of a Relay for Life team twice.
33- I have delivered 29 pounds and 7 ounces of baby.

One year ago today it was my birthday.
Two year ago today it was my birthday and I wrote a list that sort of depresses me now.
Three years ago today it was my birthday.
Four years ago today it was my birthday and I posted the original list without spell checking it.
Five years ago today (huge surprise) it was my birthday.


Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday! I was just thinking, "Man 33, that's still pretty young. How has she gotten so much done?" Then, duh, I realized I'm 31. Duh Duh Duh. I was thinking you were some kind of a kid, and really I'm younger. Haha. (That is a nice I'm stupid haha, not a mean you're old haha.)

Stimey said...

I can't sleep with socks on. We can't be friends anymore.

Never mind. If we made it through the Great Tomato Schism, I think we'll be okay.

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Esther said...

Happy Birthday--all the GREAT people were born in April.

No boots? None? Girlfriend, you live in MN! I think I have at least 4 pairs!