Monday, June 07, 2010

Let me tell you what else is new

The "I must be crazy" Chronicles have been put on hold.  The laptop holding all my pictures was broken this morning by a small red-haired child.

In other news, Elle is terrified of spiders.  If she sees one she will freak out and flail wildly around and anything in her path better watch out.

In other news, it turns out that throwing a laptop to the floor is not a good way to scare a spider away.

In other news, our vegetable garden was attacked by some kind of crazy aggressive weed over the weekend so Jesse and I spent HOURS AND HOURS in the sun pulling weeds.  Thank goodness for sunscreen!

In other news, did you know sunscreen has an expiration date?  And that it's not really effective after the expiration date?

In other news, having your bra straps rub against and pop your sunburn blisters is even less fun than it sounds.

In other news, this morning I went to pick up a gallon of orange juice that I thought was full but was nearly empty and I way overestimated how much strength I needed to use and ended up hitting my self in the face with the bottle.  I have really bad muscle control.

In other news, I nearly bit my tongue off eating an M&M this afternoon.

One year ago today I liked Mike Rowe.
Three years ago today I got pregnant with Little A.