Because seven year olds love crackhouses
Behind the grocery store where we do a lot of our shopping is an old abandoned farm. It has a couple of cool looking buildings that I've been dying to get a closer look at for a while. Yesterday evening Joseph and I headed out there with the camera and the intention of snapping some neat pictures. Once we got a little ways down the dirt road though I started to get a little freaked out.The entire place is surrounded by tall grass, overgrown bushes and thick trees. I nearly peed my pants when a rabbit jumped across the dirt road in front of us. I started to get worried. What if someone was out there?
Joseph started to sense my nervousness. "What if there are ghosts out here?" he asked nervously. "It's the middle of the day!" I replied. "No ghosts come out during the day!" Good one mom. The truth is that I was less worried about ghosts and more worried about maybe running into a group of crackheads. Because there's nothing crackheads love more than hanging out in abandoned barns. My knowledge of drug culture is astounding.
Then Joseph said "What if an old man died here and no one ever knew and he's still laying out here dead?" That imagery was just a little too much for me so we turned around and headed back down the dirt road.
On the way out Joseph found a big hunk of white quartz. "Look Mommy!" he exclaimed. "I found a diamond!"
We also saw some really neat patterns in the ground where mud had dried up.
We got back in the car and drove to a park where we saw some baby ducks and this bumper sticker. It made Joseph giggle for two solid minutes.
As we were driving home Joseph said "I love having adventures with you mommy! Think of more places we can explore together!" He's so cute. I might just have to take him to more abandoned barns sometimes. After I've made Jesse check them out thoroughly first of course.
"Yeah 'dude', let's go smoke some 'dope' and bale some hay!"
"Sounds like a jive plan 'man'!"
You can tell I watch The Wire.
I want that bumper sticker!
Crack houses are so yesterday. If you're looking for REAL family bonding, I think there's a meth lab in my neighborhood...come on by!
That is one really cool abandoned barn. Loved the bumper sticker too.
I love what mud does as it dries.
ben - I knew it! I knew drug addicts liked farms.
laggin - I thought it was pretty cute too.
manager mom - A meth lab! I'm jealous! All I've got are the pot dealers across thestreet who never mow their lawn or watch their kids. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
marshamlow - I'm going to try to work up my nerve to go back. Maybe during a less buggy time of year. I got bit about 78 times.
alison - I was fascinated by the mud. I had never seen mud roll up into little curls like that. I snapped about 20 pictures before Joseph stepped on it all and smashed it.
This post is way sweeter than I thought it was going to be.
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