Friday, August 31, 2007


I'm getting tons of visitors to my contest but not that many people are entering. Not even the people I know who I know are reading this blog because I can see you on my site meter so why don't you just fricken try to win the free candy already? Do people not like M&Ms anymore? Or is nobody proud of anyone? I don't know what one of those possiblities makes me sadder.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking. I have some time ok?

UB SoCal said...

I'm coming back before the 4th with an entry! I just want to make it good so that I can win all of the m&ms.

Ferdinand the Duck said...

I'm thinking about it! We have until the fourth!

StickyKeys said...

You must give time for the holiday my dear. It's probably just that.

And AJ still hasn't answered my 8 interesting things mem... as a matter of fact, neither have you! I'm proud of the fact that though I'm feeling slighted right now I'm being very blase about it.

And if anyone beats that answer I'll box their knees!

I really want that chocolate!

OhTheJoys said...

The Lady Flabina is verboten from eating z chocolates.

sissy said...

The "lurkers" really chap my tush. It would be nice if people would SAY (write) something and not just come and go. You are even offering chocolate. If that doesn't work, nothing will.

Unknown said...

I entered! :) I told my friends about it but maybe they are better at sticking to their diets than I am. ;)

CamiKaos said...

If you'd like I can start making up fictitious people, I can visit your blog as someone else, say I am proud of them and then try to win the chocolate, but as i already entered.... I don't know what I would do if one of my made up entries won... you'd know it was me when you tried to figure out who to send the chocolate to and I started screaming OH ME ME, I WON!!! Give me chocolate...

and that would just be sad...

Chris said...

For what it's worth I was totally going to enter (because it's a contesnt, how could I not?) but then spent too long overthinking how to make my entry clever and different from everyone else's, then irritated myself and wandered off and forgot about in the middle of mid-week work session from hell.

Nest time though, I swear...