Monday, June 01, 2009

Can you cook pasta in the bathtub?

Our dishwasher is broken.

This is not a good situation for us. I am not a Washing Dishes By Hand type of person. Under the best circumstances I am a Load The Dishwasher Grudgingly type of person. Under the worst circumstances I am a Let's Drop All The Dishes On The Floor On Purpose So They Break And We Don't Have To Wash Them And Also Let's Just Throw Away The Silverware And Eat With Our Hands type of person.

We're in a bit of a "financial lull" right now so when the dishwasher broke we decided we had two option. First, we could declare it an emergency and break into the emergency fund. Second, we could deal with it for a short time and wait till things were a little less lean, cash-wise. Guess what option I was pushing for. Now guess what one we chose.

For the first couple of days my strategy was to lay on the couch and look very tired so that Jesse would see what an emergency the situation was. This didn't work. He didn't notice the pile of dishes in the kitchen and he didn't notice me sighing dramatically on the couch.

My second strategy was to just wash certain dishes. Plates and silverware aren't that bad to wash. I decided to do those and then skip the pots and glasses. That worked fine until my children were reduced to drinking milk out of measuring cups.

Now my strategy is to wash the fracking dishes but to really, really hate it.

I wish I was as quick a thinker as Jesse. His strategy is to wait until I start a load of dishes and then say "Oh! I was just about to do the dishes!" and then sneak out of the room. The man is a genius.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to take my dishpan hands and go wash some pots otherwise I will be forced to cook dinner by holding the food in my hands and waving it over the hot stove. I don't want to do that three nights in a row.

Three years ago today Joseph liked Double Dare.
Four years ago today Joseph was cute and I was pregnant and boring.


susan said...

Oh, I feel your pain. Our last 2 apartments before this one were sans dishwasher. Four years of washing dishes by hand. My husband claims it's character-building. I think he's full of crap. ;)

Lindsay said...

I just moved into a dishwasher-free situation myself. It sucks. I have learned that it is easier if you keep up with the dishes (I never do). I also wear rubber gloves. That way you don't have to touch the icky old food or icky soaking water.

You have my sympathies.

Shannon said...

Honey, your strategies are A-1. It's not a place I'd like to visit again. Last time our DW broke was right before our first baby was born. We did without the DW for about 3 months and after that I just couldn't do it anymore.

Ben said...

You need a birdfeeder outside your window to watch while you wash dishes. And you should pretend that it's a restaurant and all the birds are customers and assign personalities to them.

It worked like, 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

smart man. i think he's related to my husband.

Stimey said...

With the dishes, I did such a poor job with them that eventually Alex took over. It is unfortunate that Jesse cannot be bamboozled by similar tactics. For what it's worth, dramatic sighing usually doesn't work for me either.

Anonymous said...

The repair man has been called. And I have been doing some of the dishes also...


Emily said...

Justyn's favorite comment when I begin loading the dishwasher: "Oh baby, you don't have to do that, I was planning on it." Yet he still makes no moves to actually complete the task.

Emily said...

Justyn's favorite comment when I begin loading the dishwasher: "Oh baby, you don't have to do that, I was planning on it." Yet he still makes no moves to actually complete the task.

Emily said...

Oh great, I posted twice and have no idea how to fix it.