We've got spirit?
It's Spirit Week at the kid's school this week. The idea behind Spirit Week is that every day the kids wear different thing to school to match that day's theme. Hat day, school color day, beach day, crazy hair day, career day, stuff like that. That's how it's supposed to work.
Here's how Spirit Week works for us: Monday morning I send Joseph off to school. That afternoon I go to pick him up. As I walk into the school I notice that all around me are kids dressed as doctors or mermaids or chefs. "Oh shit!" I think to myself. "We missed Spirit Week AGAIN!" When I walk into the office Joseph is sitting there surrounded by tiny trial lawyers and pop singers. He looks a little ticked off. "I'm so sorry buddy!" I gush. "We'll do all the other Spirit Days, I promise!"
Then we go home and look at the list describing the themes for the rest of the week and Joseph decides he doesn't want to do anything other than Hat Day anyway because the rest of them are "too weird".
And that's Spirit Week.
In other news totally unrelated to anything yesterday Elle had a tick behind her ear. I didn't think it was really attached so I tried to pull it off of her. It's body came off but it's head did not. So then I had to dig the head out. Elle is over-dramatic and kind of doesn't handle pain well so the whole affair involved a lot of crying and whimpering. I'm sort of over-dramatic and I don't handle my children's pain well so the whole affair also involved a lot of gagging and trying not to cry. I had to shut the windows so the neighbors wouldn't hear all the drama and think BAD THINGS were happening in the house.
Oh, that reminds me! Sad news! Our second favorite neighbors just put their house up for sale. Our favorite neighbors are the people who have us over for beers on the deck during the summer but our second favorite neighbors are the ones who's children think my children are going to hell. How sad is that? Those are the nicest people in our neighborhood. But really, they are good neighbors and their kids are super sweet and we will all be sad to see them go.
But back to the tick. After much drama we got the stupid tick head out and then we ate some chocolate to make ourselves feel better. All that's left is a red sore spot from where I was digging around. This morning Elle asked me to comb her hair to cover the spot up. I did and then she put on a witch hat because today is Crazy Hat day.
One year ago today I shared a terrible picture of myself.
Four years ago today Joseph was sick.
Five years ago today Elle ate a lemon.